Charles Githler - President of Corporate Development - Partner
Charles serves Hedgeo by providing strategic vision, global marketing and communication. Charles develops and manages institutional client and partner relationships. Charles has been active in the investment industry for many years. In 1978, Charles founded Investment Seminars International, the forerunner of MoneyShow which has, for decades, reigned as the largest trade show producer for self-directed investors and traders. Charles led the revolution of the individual “investor class”. His large national events heralded today’s era that began with discount brokerage. That was long before CNBC - and all other financial and business television that airs today. Since the beginning, Charles keynoted conventions, now known as MoneyShows, for up to 12,000 investors from 50 states and more than 100 countries. For his standing-room-only panels and debates, Githler enlisted Nobel Prize winners and investment legends: Milton Freidman, Sir John Templeton, Alan Greenspan, Henry Kissinger, Louis Rukeyser, Steve Forbes and Ronald Reagan. Charles is also the Founder, President, and CEO of Githler Development Inc., an award-winning, luxury condominium, and hotel developer.